Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome! Why are you here?

It's January -- Happy New Year! my Christmas decorations are put away, My closets are clean and organized, I have lost the holiday weight gain, I have a list of goals for the year and my taxes are done....OK, not really!
But I am excited for the new year. I feel that January brings a time of introspection that can only take place during the winter months when there is less distraction, no holidays looming. It feels like I can wipe the slate clean.
If you would like to comment on what kinds of goals or visions you have for the upcoming year, please do so. Not necessarily new year's resolutions; that always sounds to me like a do or die approach. We make goals, set them high but it's OK if we don't reach them; we need goals to keep ourselves growing and changing. Without a vision, we will perish.
Look for my next post to be some ideas and inspirations for you.

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