Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I am tired of dieting….I just want to be healthy! When I go to the store, there is such a dizzying array of choices: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Low Carb, Low glycemic index, low fat, high fiber, all natural, organic, sulfite free, sugar free…..lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!!

On my journey for a healthy diet and a healthy relationship with food, I have tried a lot  different things. So I thought it would be interesting to write them down. Please bear with me as I self indulge. I hope you might find some truths and help as you read:

  1. Eating low carb: (Atkins, Southbeach)This consisted of cutting out everything that had an abundance of carbohydrates. Not that carbs are bad; it’s just that we tend to get carbs from sources that are not good places. Cutting out the breads, pastas, some cereals, potatoes, candy, cookies, crackers….this was not such a bad way of eating. It forced me to eat more salads, proteins like eggs, meat, fish. Lots of vegetables, some fruit but not over the top. The biggest drawback was that I could go over the top on cheese, butter, cream and artificial sweeteners (to get my sweet fix). I also found that once I went “off” the diet, any weight loss came back quickly.
  2. Weight Watchers -- or Counting Calories….same thing. Weight Watchers is a really nice way of keeping track of your food without actually counting the calories. They have a system. Back when I did it, they gave you recipe ideas and weekly meetings which helped you stay on track. The drawback was that I hate keeping track of what I eat. And it took me a while to figure out that although they don’t limit you; you can eat anything you want, you had better switch over to vegetables and protein or you will soon run out of calories to eat for the day.
  3. Low Fat -- which was a trend a decade or so ago. Many diet gurus embraced it, companies started producing all kinds of low-fat versions of real foods that persist even today. Unfortunately, in order to make something taste good low-fat, additives are needed, usually in the form of sugar. What we found is the culprit isn’t the fat, it’s the sugar. My dentist believes everyone should be drinking whole milk, not skim.
  4. Sugar free - Sugar is a big culprit in our obesity problem. I am a self proclaimed sugarholic, which some will say is sugar sensitivity. That means the more sugar I eat, the more I want. It’s a difficult merry go round to get off. Sugar triggers insulin production, which in turn (through a complicated process) creates more fat in our bodies.(and after the blood sugar spikes, it drops, leaving you with wanting another sugar fix). Interestingly, bread, crackers, cereals and pastas are all part of the sugar issue.
  5. THE PLAN - I tried this diet; the author believes that there are certain foods that each of us reacts to, setting ourselves up for indigestion, inflammatory issues and diseases. Then there are certain foods that are “friendly” that our bodies like. We are all different, therefore it is a trial and error type approach. She takes you through step by step starting with some of the most “friendly” foods and then adding others in. I found that kale tastes pretty good when fixed properly. I discovered flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and nuts (I love nuts. I always thought they were too high in fat. Same with avocados!) I also found that I felt pretty good eating this way. I also learned to drink more water. The drawback is that it is very specific what you have to eat, and you have to weigh yourself every day (what a lousy habit to get into.) I also don’t like having to plan ahead with everything I eat, or worry about eating out, a big challenge on this plan. It is also very low in sodium (a good thing!) but difficult when eating out.
  6. Gluten Free - There is a cardiologist that wrote a book called Wheat Belly which he explains is why so many of us fight the obesity/diabetes problem. According to him, our wheat is NOT the same as what it used to be. Producers have tampered with our wheat over the last 100 years so that it is not anything like the wheat of yesteryear. And nobody bothered to test it to see if it was safe for humans. Wheat is in so many things - not just the typical places like breads, pastas, cereals, crackers, baked goods…but also in candy, canned soup and condiments, places you wouldn’t think to look. Now, wheat free is not gluten free; gluten is also in barley and rye. Although it is challenging to go wheat free, it’s not impossible. I am not a big fan of replacing your gluten with processed gluten free foods, though. They contain things I would rather not ingest! The author of Wheat Belly agrees; he suggests staying away from corn starch, potato starch, tapioca, etc which are used in most gluten free prepared foods.
  7. Vegetarian and Vegan - not eating meat; or not eating meat, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. Many people swear by their choice and if it works for you, then go for it! I have not explored these avenues myself; I have people in my life that choose eating this way, and they seem very happy with it. Having read Wheat Belly, I would have a hard time giving up all this and wheat. I respect you for your choice, however.
  8. Eating Organic -- Knowing where my food comes from. This has been an ongoing trek for me. I try to support my local farmers. How nice it is to put a face to the products I’m eating. If not local, then organic, then USA. I live 5 miles from an organic farm that produces cheese, yogurt, beef and vegetables. I feel very lucky to have that at my fingertips. Canned goods are tricky- unless you know the codes,  it's hard to tell where it comes from.
  9. I CAN MAKE YOU THIN another book: I read it, and it includes a hypnotic CD that you listen to. I can tell you this; I am finally free from the entire calorie counting, list making, eat this but don’t eat that kind of thinking! His plan is simple. Eat what you want, eat only when you are hungry, stop before you get full, and eat slowly and consciously. He addresses food cravings as well. He helps you love your body. The drawback: if you don’t have a solid understanding of what is good food, and what is not, this won’t help. I don’t think he had in mind that we choose cupcakes and Twinkies as a mainstay. For me, it was the perfect ending to being a slave to diets, and a beginning to a freer, happier self.

DO you see a pattern? I DO! I am continuing on my journey towards a healthier lifestyle which includes exercising at least 3 times a week, and drinking my Reliv shakes which covers my bases for the things I may be missing in my diet (see below). But here are some of the things I am trying to do. Thank you for letting me indulge. I hope you found something here that may be helpful. I am still learning. Remember this is my mantra...yours may look differently...

  1. Eat local and organic as much as possible. At least stay away from the dirty dozen.
  2. Drink at least half your body weight (in ounces) in water every day before 8 p.m.
  3. Cut out or down on wheat. That includes less bread, pasta, wheat cereal (I try to choose oatmeal, rice cereal, etc) Eat more ancient grains like quinoa, brown rice, amaranth, buckwheat.
  4. Cut down on sugar. This goes along with the reduction of bread/pasta anyway. No cola, (not even diet cola). Less desserts, baked goods. Dark chocolate and red wine as a reward instead. (from the book, The Plan) There are some good sugar substitutes out there - stevia/rebiana, erythritol, xylitol are among the sweeteners that will not impact blood sugar levels. (from the book, Wheat Belly)
  5. Eat whole foods whenever possible. No boxed meals, frozen pre-made stuff. Buy stuff with ingredients you can pronounce. Good old fashioned vegetables that you cut up and prepare yourself. (I don’t eat a lot of potatoes, they seem to keep me from losing weight.) More green stuff. Eat grass fed beef, venison, organic chicken and eggs, wild caught fish. Drink whole milk or almond milk. Fresh or frozen fruit.
  6. Add flax, pumpkin, sunflower, chia seeds to salads. And eat a lot of salads. Avocado and Nuts too. The good kind of fat. Olive and Coconut Oil, yum.
  7. Listen to your body! If after eating a meal, things are not feeling so good, take note. There may be something that is “unfriendly” for you. (from the book, The Plan)

Here are 4 very good rules to live by that goes very well with the rest of this

  1. Eat S.L.O.W.L.Y and consciously. Not in front of the computer, TV or reading material.
  2. Eat what you want (I am trying to follow my other guidelines, but I am happier not getting too nit picky with myself)
  3. Only eat when you are hungry
  4. Stop when you are full. You can always come back for more later.

  • Most Reliv products are Gluten Free. For more information go to  and if you decide to try the products, please buy from me. Go to and use the VIP code, myshot

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